The Evangelism division is comprised of the Evangelism Department, the Missions Department and the Outreach Department. While we recognize that every believer has a responsibility to share the Gospel message, the ministry was developed to enable those with a special call to cultivate programs and events and other creative measures are used to reach the lost and un-churched with the good news of Jesus Christ!
The Gatekeepers and Greeters greet, escort, direct, and serve worshippers during regular and special services. These men and women play a vital role in maintaining order during the worship services to facilitate the Holy Spirit’s free flow as He ministers to the worshippers through every element of service
Men and women with a gift to serve find easy expressions in areas such as catering, food service, and event hosting. The goal of the Hospitality Ministry is to create an atmosphere of caring through action, and be courteous to everyone in every way
The skilled and anointed members of the Worship & Arts department committed to worshipping God in spirit and truth through the use of their gifts as soloists, praise and worship singers, musicians, dancers, and dramatic actors. Whether through music, experience – whether for Sunday and mid-week services, special events, conferences, or itinerate ministry.